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Day 2

I’m talking alongside Liz Crowe and Andrew Davies on the three Rs: Rest, Reflect and Reinvigorate. The main message is that we are all better clinicians when we take time for self-care. Specifically, I encourage listeners to ‘be real’ so that they approach reflection candidly and without the professional veneer. Secondly, we should ‘resist the recall bias’ which favours remembering only the negatives. Thirdly, reflection needs a response. Is not rumination and nor is it a stick to beat yourself with. Respond to yourself with kindness and reap the benefits.

L-J Mottram

L-J has been Intensive Care Consultant and Anaesthetist in the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast since 2013. She is interested in thoracic anaesthesia, medical education, simulation, critical care echocardiography and clinician wellbeing. Quite conveniently, she gets paid to do most of those things.
Most of her speaker invitations come from the local primary school, where she regularly makes an appearance to explain ‘what sleepy doctors do’. I’m learning that school kids are a tough audience.


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